Pakistan’s role is pivotal in achieving peace in Afghanistan: EU official - Muddassir Plat Forum


Saturday, November 21, 2020

Pakistan’s role is pivotal in achieving peace in Afghanistan: EU official

BRUSSELS: The European Union has welcomed the recent visit of Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan to Kabul and has said that many of Afghanistan's problems can be solved with the cooperation of Pakistan.

These views were expressed by EU officials at a briefing on the Afghan Donors Conference, which is scheduled in Geneva on November 23-24. The event will take place in collaboration with the United Nations and Finland.

EU officials said there are many aspects of Afghanistan that are on lockdown, but Pakistan holds the keys to most of them.

The Afghan peace process is "complex and difficult," they said.

Violence inside Afghanistan has increased in the last five years even after the Doha Accords.

EU officials said that development and democracy in Afghanistan are in the interest of everyone. They called on other countries in the region besides Iran, China, Russia, and India, and the Gulf countries to play their role in bringing about peace in Afghanistan.

The EU valued the role of the Emir of Qatar and said his efforts and his welcome made the talks between the United States and the Taliban possible.

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Likewise, the silent role of other Gulf countries was also mentioned.

It was at the 2016 Afghan Donor Conference in Brussels that the world pledged to contribute $ 15.2 billion to cover Afghanistan's expenses. The EU is expected to participate in financial aid this time as well.

In response to questions, an official said that the EU has invested in peace in Afghanistan for 20 years. "It is not in our interest to get out of Afghanistan now and soon," the official said, citing a statement by the German foreign minister.

Similarly, aid to Afghanistan is conditional on a system of checks and balances and a process free from corruption, the official said, emphasizing that the Taliban regime will not be accepted again.

On the participation of women in the development of Afghanistan, the EU official said that they cannot support or provide assistance to projects where women's rights are not considered or respected. "The inclusion of women is absolutely vital for the development of a normal society," said the official.

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