'They cheated': Donald Trump repeats allegations of election fraud in Georgia rally :Read - Muddassir Plat Forum


Saturday, December 5, 2020

'They cheated': Donald Trump repeats allegations of election fraud in Georgia rally :Read


US President Donald Trump repeated unsubstantiated allegations of voter fraud on Saturday while campaigning for two Republican senators, marking his first public demonstration after the US election loss to Joe Biden.

Trump reminded the singing crowd that he had come to South Georgia to persuade them to vote Republican in the Jan.5 runoff.

But he quickly zeroed in on his repeated claims, made without proof, telling the crowd that he will "still win," referring to the 2020 US election.

“They cheated and rigged our presidential elections, but we will still win them. And they will also try to manipulate this election, "Trump told the crowd, who chanted" We love you! "and" Four more years! "

The outgoing president's claims have been rejected by state and federal officials across the country, and his campaign's numerous legal challenges have nearly all failed.

Biden was the first Democratic presidential nominee to win in Georgia since 1992. State counts, including a close hand review of some 5 million ballots, revealed no significant irregularities.

Trump said on Saturday his impeachment was headed to the US Supreme Court "very soon," without elaborating. However, legal experts see no way to the highest court in the country.

The January runoff pits two Republican senators, David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler, against well-funded Democratic challengers Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock, seeking to capture a state that has not elected a Democratic senator in 20 years.

The races will determine which party controls the United States Senate. Democrats, who already have a majority in the House of Representatives, need to win both seats to control the Senate. If Republicans win a seat, they will retain their majority and will be able to block much of Biden's legislative agenda.

Biden said he would visit Georgia to campaign for Democratic candidates, but did not give a timetable for his trip.


Trump has attacked Republicans who have refused to back him, including Georgia Governor Brian Kemp and his secretary of state Brad Raffensperger. Kemp did not attend the rally, the day after the death in a car accident of Harrison Deal, a close friend of the governor's family and a member of Loeffler's staff.

Earlier on Saturday, Trump called Kemp and pressured him on Twitter to take further action in benefit of his attempt to reverse the election results.

"I will win Georgia easily and quickly if Governor @BrianKempGA or Secretary of State allows a simple signature verification ... Why are these two 'Republicans' saying no?" Trump wrote on Twitter.

After Kemp responded on Twitter that he had "publicly requested a signature audit three times," Trump said that was not good enough, adding in a second tweet that the governor should immediately call a special session of the state legislature.

“Your people refuse to do what you ask. What are they hiding? "Trump said.

In a move unprecedented in modern U.S. history, Trump's team has tried, unsuccessfully, to get Republican-controlled legislatures in the Biden-won battle states to sideline the results and declare Trump the winner.

Biden won the election with 306 votes in the Electoral College, more than the 270 needed, compared to 232 for Trump. The Electoral College will meet on December 14 to formalize the result.

Trump's penchant for making his political rallies all about him - and now, about his claims that the US electoral system is rigged - has raised concerns among some Republicans that his appearance in Georgia could end up turning voters off. or by making them feel like there is no point in voting.

Before the rally, Matt Towery, a former Georgia Republican legislator who is now a political analyst and pollster, said Trump could help if he praised the candidates, but cautioned:

"If you talk about them for 10 minutes and spend the rest of the time telling everyone how terrible Brian Kemp is, that will only make things worse."

When Loeffler and Perdue took the stage, many in the crowd chanted "Fight for Trump!" and "Stop the robbery!"

Two pro-Trump attorneys, L. Lin Wood and Sidney Powell, have argued that Georgians should not vote in the second round until the 2020 election problems are resolved in the state, even after the lawsuits they have filed. to void the results have failed.

Trump said on Saturday that voters could and should refuse to accept what he called the presidential election results "rigged" while casting votes for Perdue and Loeffler in the second round.

"If you don't vote, the socialists and the communists win," he said. "We can fight for the presidency and fight to elect our two great senators, and we can do it at the same time."

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